Workout Guides

How To Have More Energy

There’s no question about it. If we each started each day with more energy than what we currently experience we’d get more done. We’d be more productive in our work, we’d have more energy for our friends and fa...

How To Choose Dumbbells

Lifting a weight to make your muscles adapt to the resistance it presents them with and therefore grow stronger is such an intuitive thing to do when you do it that it is hard to imagine that you may need help ...

How To Start A Plant Based Diet

What do tennis megastar Venus Williams, ultra-marathoner Scott Jurek and American quarterback Tom Brady have in common? The answer is a plant-based diet. The latest research shows that a mostly (or totally) pla...

Get Fit At Home, The Strategy

Home fitness is a challenge. There are a lot of bodyweight exercises that will easily help you build and maintain muscle at home. Starting a home-based fitness regime however and maintaining it long enough to s...

How To Stay Fit Without A Gym

We obviously believe that exercise is something that you can do on your own, any time, anywhere which is why we have a database of thousands of workouts of every level and category you can focus on and do at ho...

How To Stay Healthier Longer

We all want a long, healthy life. These two things however don’t always go together. As life gets longer, if it does, health becomes harder to retain. This is the struggle between lifespan and healthspan. Given...

How To Exercise Twice a Day

Working out twice a day sounds like one of those solutions to the problem of fitness that is theoretically possible but practically improbable. We all think that if we could train twice a day we’d get fitter, s...

Walking Strategy for Weightloss

Despite having evolved to get about on two legs we all have to, at some point, learn to run properly. Walking, on the other hand, seems something we have evolved to do for over 6 million years. Because it feels...

Guide To The Stand-To-Sit Test

看似简单的从坐到站的练习被称为闭链练习,因为我们的脚几乎固定在地板上,当然其中一只脚几乎从不改变位置。它的执行会激活大量的肌肉、肌腱、韧带和神经。因此,它成为针对您的生物年龄的活动测试,以及显示您身体状况的健康测试,以及准确告诉您需要做什么的诊断工具。 为了了解如何使用它,以便更好地了解它告诉我们的健康和健身信息,我们必须解构其运动的物理性。 我们用来从坐到站的主要肌肉是:腿筋、臀肌、竖脊肌和支撑背部的椎...

Breathing Techniques For Anxiety

We are obviously born to breathe air. Just because we do something from birth doesn’t necessarily mean we are good at it. This is why we have science-backed articles on the correct way to breathe when you exerc...