Workout Guides

How To Make Your Legs Stronger

Let’s start with a small experiment. Stand up straight. Move your left foot about a foot in front of your body so that your leg is in front of you, knee bent. Keep your right leg straight. Now swing it in a str...

Guide to Exercise at Home

that prepare us for it. The morning shower-breakfast-coffee routine. The daily commute. Those five-ten minutes when we sit at our desk or arrive at work and catch up with gossip or go through emails or just ...

How To Fix Loneliness

There are two ways to count the way we age: Chronologically, which is counting the years that have passed since the day we were born and biologically, which assesses our mobility, strength and aerobic capacity ...

How to Run in Hot Weather

Sunny days invite running. The mental image of warm weather, sunny environments and a cooling breeze as we run is hard to resist, even if the reality most of us face is somewhat different. Running in the sun ho...

The Guide to Metabolism

In a perfect world our bodies would burn what we eat to power the processes necessary to survive and they would replenish any fat supplies we need for a ‘rainy day’. In that perfect world we’d never overeat and...

Coffee for Fitness

When it comes to coffee, a beverage we’ve been drinking since the 15th century there are three simple questions that matter: Can caffeine boost your workout? Will caffeine improve your endurance? Doe...

How To Exercise More

We all want to exercise more. To achieve that we need to answer three specific questions: What should we do to exercise more? What type of exercise should we do? How can we get fitter? This article covers it al...

How to Run Faster, Punch Harder

There are some things in fitness that are counterintuitive and because of that they don’t become immediately obvious until they’re explained. The way we use our arms and legs is one of them. Now, usually, we tr...

How To Improve Grip Strength

If there was to be a single, across the board, test that would quickly reveal how strong, fit and healthy you are and how long you are likely to remain like this in your lifespan, then the grip strength test is...

Why we need to eat more fiber

We’ve been told to “eat our greens” for so long when we were kids that growing up has become the moment when we can just eat anything we like and not give anyone any account of it. Unfortunately science has sid...